
After the election in November, I was shocked by the reality of it all.  On the morning after the election, I sat at my computer thinking that maybe the talking heads were right: that Conservatives needed to moderate their thinking and speech in order to get along with everyone out there.  I admit that I thought and agreed with that for about 15 minutes.  Then I totally rejected the concept as impossible for me to do if I wanted to continue to try to live up to the First Principles.

Since that time, I have been sitting in my house, watching the lights in the shining city on the hill go out one-by-one.

But no longer!  To quote the lepers in II Kings 7:3, “Why sit we here until we die?”  (This is a story for another day, but the lepers went in search of food and found that the enemies [Arameans} of the people of Israel had fled, and there was no danger of attack.)

I decided that I cannot sit idle while my country and beliefs fall apart around me.  You see, the leaders on the left have been planning this day for about 100 years.  They have gradually (progressively) over time, altered the principles upon which this country was founded and replaced them with their ideas in all aspects of our culture.  They have infiltrated the schools, churches, your home, the Boy Scouts, and media (including music, movies, television, and print media).  Their ideas dominate the governmental systems in all branches and on all levels.

How have they managed to do this?  It has been a very gradual process.  They have been very patient, keeping their eye on the goal, not wavering.

Generally, when people are presented with a new concept or product, it is human nature to ask, “What’s in it for me?”  Everyone wants to be popular, trendy, hip, in the “in crowd”, etc.  Those on the left have managed to convince the people that their left-leaning ideas are best for everyone.  That it is best for everyone (the collective) if you give up your guns, religion, accept abortion as birth control, support gay marriage, pay higher taxes, and eat right, etc.  If you do not conform to these ideas, you are ridiculed and labeled as a “nut”.  This is noticeable in the media where many TV shows, books, and movies portray a Christian with a permit to carry a gun as a right wing nut case, a comedic character.  Soon, people, who don’t really accept or understand these left-wing concepts, are afraid to speak up at all because they fear they will be ridiculed and labeled.  This is a means of controlling the masses by fear.  It is technically a type of bullying (hence the bully pulpit).

The left has permeated the culture to the point where it is the easiest choice to sit here until we die, until all the lights are out in the shining city.   We cannot allow this to happen for the sake of the rest of our lives as well as for future generations.

So, what can I, as one individual, do to bring about any change?  I will have to illustrate the benefit (the “what’s in it for me?) to individuals of returning to the First Principles.  I am going to do this through my blog by writing short articles illustrating what is so great about the US Constitution and Declaration of Independence.

Instead of looking at the First Amendment as a leftist would: you can’t have a manger scene, you can’t assemble, you can’t say that, etc.; I will show the benefit of having this amendment: Congress cannot interfere with my right to worship, I am protected from federal interference in four fundamental human rights (religion, speech, press, and assembly).

I will use some of my favorite resources to help with this endeavor:  The US Constitution and Declaration of Independence, Your Rugged Constitution, and the 5000 Year Leap.  I am going to do this in memory of my personal mentor, Mrs. Alice Gridley, a great Christian and Patriot, and, of course, in honor of Ronald Reagan.

I would like to hear your thoughts